I wonder what a mirror would say if it could talk. Like walls, they must see and hear a lot! I think they'd be sad. I think they would wish they could reach out and hug the woman looking back at them. They'd say, "What you are seeing isn't what I am showing you." I think they would be hurt to only see depressed faces looking at them. I think it would be hard for them to know whenever a woman looked at them they felt harsh and cruel. I'm sure the mirror doesn't think the woman is ugly or fat. I think the mirror would be proud to reflect the image they see.
Can you look in the mirror? For how long? Can you look at yourself in the eyes?
I used to have a really hard time looking at myself in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw so I just pretended it wasn't there.
Women compete. I know this may be news to you but we are competitive and cruel. Why? Because we are dealing with our own insecurities. I wonder if we weren't so insecure if we might be a little nicer. Possibly encourage one another?
I grew up hearing, "You're fat. Ugly. Worthless." Its hard to not believe it after so many years and so many voices. Oh I hated that mirror!
Recently, I've changed that. I am not worthless. I am not ugly and I am not fat. I am beautiful. Sure there are things that I am insecure about but I can't change that. (I don't have an airbrush) And even if I did, I wouldn't use it.
How do you really feel about the examples we have? Wouldn't you like to hear something positive? Something perhaps real? "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (psalm 139:14) YOU were wonderfully made!!
Be encouraging to other women! Be an example to the younger generation. They see what we do and will become like us. Now, I realize this is a natural thing that women go through but I know that we can build each other up so that it won't be so hard to look in the mirror and say something nice about yourself.
People don't encourage one another much. I realize it can be awkward for both parties but it means so much. I encourage you to look at yourself in the mirror. Stare. Point out every beautiful feature and stop. Move on and encourage another female.
By the way, YOU are not worthless...YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN (the mirror told me so)