Wednesday, January 26, 2011
What's missing here?
Ugh! Have you ever had the perfect outfit only to realize you don't have the right shoes? Its like pouring a bowl of cereal and then opening the fridge to see there is no milk. I thought I had the right shoes that will work with all my outfits. But then there are those days that I realize I could use one more. One that ACTUALLY goes with more than I think. I'm on the hunt for a new pair of shoes. Comfy, chic, versatile ones. Ones that will work with all the outfits I put together that I then look down to realize....there is something missing.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Looks I Love

Just some looks I'm in love with right now. Stripes are in this spring. And you can never go wrong with some form of chambray (denim look-alike) and cashmere! I love casual sweaters/tops with a girly skirt. A blazer with an embellished tee and denim look confident and pulled together. And I'm absolutely obsessed with this pink jacket and how its done with this outfit!
I'm so excited for Spring '11! Even though its negative degrees today, its spring time at the mall.
Happy Retail Spring!
Leave it to a Professional
Do you cut your own hair or do you go to a stylist? Paint your own nails or get a manicure? Shop for clothes on your own or use a personal shopper? Some things you'd just feel better having a professional help you with. I admit I paint my own nails but it doesn't compare to when they are professionally done. I don't cut my hair because I don't know how or what might be best for my hair's thickness and texture. Shopping is the same thing. If you don't know how to shop for your coloring, size, shape...there are people that do.
I took someone out yesterday for that reason. Its ok not to know what you're doing at the store! But it helps to have someone that does. I had such a blast yesterday picking out a new spring wardrobe for this woman! She struggled with the frustration that things didn't fit perfectly or she just couldn't make things work. She had a hard time with self-confidence especially in a fitting room. I went along to help her find what works. She got a whole new wardrobe and looks fantastic! I've been working with this woman for over a year and she has grown so much!
She used to cry and feel discouraged. Now she puts things on and smiles. She knows that she can now make clothes work for her not against her. She's even gone shopping on her own after all she's learned and I'm very impressed!
It helps to have someone who knows what they are doing when it comes to helping you look and feel your best. It used to take all day when this woman shopped for herself and she would get overwhelmed and depressed. Now that we do it together, it took us only two hours to build a complete new wardrobe including shoes and accessories.
If you would like assistance with your shopping or figuring out your closet, I'd love to help. I absolutely love what I do and look forward to every clothing chance I get! I want to help women feel strong, confident, and beautiful.
Before and after pictures to come...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sales are Distracting
I would just like to reiterate sticking to your style. I was about to buy something that was cheap. I mean really good deal. It would've looked good on me and I would've loved it. But then it hit me, it wasn't the style that was really me. I would probably put it on as a safety item and not a proud one. It would've been one of those cheap buys that would have cost me money and space. I've got to really think about my closet space and how I don't want items in there that are just going to distract or confuse me when I'm trying to get ready. If its only a so-so item then you will only pass over it or put it on only to take it off because it wasn't perfect. (Ever have the heap of clothes on your bed..the rejects? Ugh! How long does it take to put those back!?)
You want to feel comfortable when in your clothes. And I DON'T mean sweats kind of comfy!! I mean you don't want to have to fidget, you want to know your outfit works and it isn't the first thing on your mind. When I'm at work I want to be thinking about work, not constantly wondering, "does this work?"
So, careful shopping!! There are a lot of distractions out there. They're called sales. PLEASE love your pieces when you buy them! Make sure they work with other things in your wardrobe. And that they are YOU. That clearly represent your personality and how you really feel. (If you're not sure, let someone in the business help you! We may not have spent a lifetime getting to know you but we know what we are talking about. We only need to know you for a few minutes to be able to dress you correctly)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Be Prepared
It can be exhausting at times, to look your best. Awhile ago I posted about trying not to wear sweats out of the house. On the same kind of note, you might want to just dress prepared. In the past couple months here is what I have run into:
1)A customer that I was helping admitted to me, "You know we check you girls out right? When I come in I scan the store to see who seems put together, then I ask for their help. You looked so put together, I knew you could help me. I have no idea what I am doing but from the way you looked, I knew I could trust what you'd say."
What a compliment! Now there are days that I don't feel like looking "put together". I'm sorry but when my kid has accidents and I haven't slept...the last thing I feel I can do is look top of my game. Its just hard and adds to my exhaustion! But once I do it, I feel good and just look at how it appeared to that other person!
2)A girl I went to high school with was shopping at the store. Let me back this up a bit. I hated high school. I was not fashionable or popular. I was stuck in that middle crowd, kinda cool, but not at the top with the lacrosse girls and football jocks. I was almost there but not quite. I dread running into people I used to know because it brings back all that crap that we put ourselves through. But we are different people now so I thought, well hey it can't be that bad!
So, here it is, the "popular" girl came in and I talked to her. I felt fine because I was put together well. I didn't have to think, "Oh gee she got me on my carefree day". It was just nice knowing I didn't have to put myself down because of my appearance. I always feel confident in who I am when I dress properly.
3)I ran into old family friends that I hadn't seen in years. Again, just feeling confident that I was showing my best side felt good. I know these people don't care how I look but its nice to feel that I was presentable and again, not caught in the, "If I had only cared enough to dress today!" thoughts.
You never know who you'll run into. Famous people do come into the store and I realize this might sound bad, but you never know where that could take you! I want to look my best because I am representing this store, and how I feel about myself and my position. Regardless though if someone is famous or not, I like to be most presentable. Even if its a struggle. I want to look like I am actually taking myself seriously.
I want to reenforce the try a little harder approach. I know you're tired and it can be a lot of work but how much extra time does it really take to go from feeling sloppy to completely presentable and confident? The amount of time it takes is worth the feeling.
So be never know who you might run into!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
daughter of a King

I was watching a movie yesterday about a princess. She was sweet and kind and carried herself with such poise. She was confident. She was beautiful and accepted it. She didn't flaunt it or brag about it. She just lived it. She saw the best in other people and told them so.
What is it about a princess that us girls long to have? Why don't we have it? What prevents us from being that princess?
I looked at myself in the mirror after the movie. I asked myself, "If I were actually a princess, would I see myself as beautiful?" I pulled my hair back to look like a princess would and I stood tall like one. I answered myself, "Yes, I would make a beautiful princess." Then I remembered...I am a princess. I am the daughter of a king. The King.*
I should stand tall and be confident in that. Confidence is hard to come by. But I do believe that is what makes a woman so beautiful.
I think the world could use a few princesses.
*Romans 8:17
Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
*Galatians 3:29
If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
*Galatians 4:7
So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I Didn't Need It!
I had a birthday coupon so I went to use it. I ended up buying three things....woops. BUT I couldn't decide...they all looked so good, were half off, and made me feel like a woman. Not just a young 20 something because I'm starting to not be. There was one sweater that I knew was perfect. I ignored the fact that up in the chest area it was a little large. (maybe it was the poor lighting? the bra?) When I put it on at home it turns out it wasn't the poor lighting or bra. It made me feel big and sloppy. So, I returned it. I RETURNED IT!!!!!! It felt so good to give it back. I got money back, money that I didn't need to spend on that. I was going to ask my friends at work what they thought but thought, no matter what they say, I know how I feel. So, I took it upon myself to make the call. But then I found stuff at work that I tried justifying since I got my money back from the sloppy sweater, I mean its my birthday isn't it??
I'll save that one for a different post.....
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