Monday, January 17, 2011

Sales are Distracting

I would just like to reiterate sticking to your style. I was about to buy something that was cheap. I mean really good deal. It would've looked good on me and I would've loved it. But then it hit me, it wasn't the style that was really me. I would probably put it on as a safety item and not a proud one. It would've been one of those cheap buys that would have cost me money and space. I've got to really think about my closet space and how I don't want items in there that are just going to distract or confuse me when I'm trying to get ready. If its only a so-so item then you will only pass over it or put it on only to take it off because it wasn't perfect. (Ever have the heap of clothes on your bed..the rejects? Ugh! How long does it take to put those back!?)

You want to feel comfortable when in your clothes. And I DON'T mean sweats kind of comfy!! I mean you don't want to have to fidget, you want to know your outfit works and it isn't the first thing on your mind. When I'm at work I want to be thinking about work, not constantly wondering, "does this work?"

So, careful shopping!! There are a lot of distractions out there. They're called sales. PLEASE love your pieces when you buy them! Make sure they work with other things in your wardrobe. And that they are YOU. That clearly represent your personality and how you really feel. (If you're not sure, let someone in the business help you! We may not have spent a lifetime getting to know you but we know what we are talking about. We only need to know you for a few minutes to be able to dress you correctly)

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