Its been really hard staying on top of things this winter. How many times have you resorted back to sweats or yoga pants? I have to say, I am totally on board with it! Shocked? Well, let me explain.
I realize that while we shouldn't go out in public with pj pants or sweats, at home in this cold, snowy weather...its not all that bad. I'm always cold so jeans have been hard to keep on all day.
I talked to another mom last week and we discussed this topic.
I realize that while I like to look put together at all times (so I don't eat too much or become lazy) there's something about being in comfy clothes that makes me a better mom. Now don't take this too far... you can still be put together and comfy!! (You can look like a cute mom in gym type clothes...)
My kids are still fairly little. I still need to be on the ground with them. I do worry about the knees of my jeans every time I get down on the ground. They wear easily! Then my yoga pants put me at ease.
So, since we are all different, wear what will make you a better mom. For me, its usually jeans and a nice fitted top so I don't get lazy and eat. But there are the days that being in gym clothes lets me play more, which makes me a fun mom. As long as you are setting a good example for your children by showing that you are taking care of yourself in some way and that you are totally in love with them, then go for it.
Closing Example:
A mom told me, "You always look cute a drop off. I'm always in gym clothes because I drop off then go running and then come back to pick up. I feel gross." I told her, "What you are showing is that you care about yourself enough to exercise. That is a good example to your kids and other parents. It shows you are using your alone time wisely. Only start to worry if you are wearing sweats or pjs that might represent you do not care."
Its not so much what you're wearing as much as what you are representing. What example do you set with your clothes?
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