Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fat Day(s)

Everyone has 'em. I tend to have them once every other month (and by once I mean several days of that month). This month was no exception. And when I say "fat day" I don't mean I feel fat but look fine, I actually look 4-5 months pregnant. (I've actually fooled people with this...)
I gain a good 5-10lbs during this time and it all typically sits at my belly.

This becomes a problem when most of my bottoms for work are tight skinny ankle jeans. I put on a pair :*( They didn't fit and I'm pretty sure I stretched them out. My shirt showed my flub and I got discouraged. Then I thought how dumb and useless it was to get down on myself. Its not like I ate a bunch of junk food....its my ovary's fault. So, chin up, I grabbed another pair of pants and a different top. It looked totally normal. I looked fine!

I tell women that its not about your weight. You can look good at any size as long as you dress your body correctly. People tell me, "I'll ask for your help when I lose "x" amount of pounds". Why wait? Don't you want to look good now?

So, whatever fat day you're having, just remember you don't have to slub it....you can still look just as good with the right outfit.

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