I overheard the mother of a dance studio owner/instructor that she always wanted to own a dance studio. She's always loved dance. And when you see shows about famous musical artists or actors, the parents often say, "Its no surprise they do what they do- they've been singing/acting since they were 3!" I have always thought, "What the heck have I done since I was three that I could make a career out of?!" If there wasn't anything I could think of, was I doomed to never have a dream which meant I'd never get to live a dream? For the longest time I thought there must not be a dream since I didn't consistently care about anything for that long of a time. Then I thought of something.
As I looked back at pictures of myself (out to prove how horrible I was at fashion all growing up) I realized I wasn't sooo off. I was just thinking differently than others. I found that I tried hard with what I was given. I remember being in 6th grade English getting made fun of for my pants that were too short. But I went outside the box that day to be fashionable. Those pants went with the outfit. I didn't think EVERYONE would notice how short they were. My other pants just wouldn't do.

Clothes were not at the forefront of my parents' minds. I don't blame them...they had four kids to clothe. But for me, there was always something special about clothes. I usually got hand-me-downs from my older sister which was fine but when my mom bought something just for me- especially a complete outfit- I was thrilled! I loved going to the store and picking things out. I loved back to school and wore the new fall outfit even though it was 75 degrees. Its funny looking back at how much it meant to me over the years. I wasn't always good at it, as the pictures show, but I do remember it being very important none the less. And that I was always determined to get it right.

So, here are some pictures of me as I grew through fashion. If you have a dream, you should go for it. Whether its something that started at a young age or something brand new. Though I do encourage you to look back at what really meant a lot to you over the years...and let me know!

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