Wednesday, September 15, 2010

the mom that missed the bus

So I was driving through town yesterday and saw a woman waiting for the bus. My heart suddenly sank. When did she stop caring? When did she lose her identity? Does having kids mean losing style and self respect? She looked how she probably felt. I will give her one credit...she showered. There is a step in the right direction. But that was the only step.

I don't know what's going on in her life but it just represents so many moms that just stop. You are still a person. You are not a package deal with your children. I'm all for investing in your kids but not to the point of totally forgetting your own identity. You are not just a mom!

I wonder if her husband misses his beautiful beaming bride. Where is she? All he has now is a tired mom in an oversized tshirt with her back slumped over. Did she stand tall at the alter? Or on dates? Do they date anymore? Every woman needs a reason to "get ready". And the husband deserves a wife that will do so.

If you are the role model for your children, what message are you sending them? "Its ok to be sloppy and lazy as long as you give your all to someone else..." If you are not taking care of yourself they will see that its ok to let everything go and not take responsibility. No wonder kids are so lazy and disrespectful these days. Remember way back when moms wore dresses and an apron? They stood tall. It was beautiful.

Now I realize we are not in the 50s so here are some tips...

If you have kids but want to look like you care then wear something nice in cotton. Cotton can still be nice...and its washable. Invest in OXI. Instead of a sweatshirt wear a blazer. Doesn't have to be a suit blazer either. There are cord, denim, twill...pick one that will work for your outfits. Wear jeans or chinos that flatter your body instead of sweats. (Though some sweats can be cute if you do it right. I'm all about a lazy day here and there but you need to make it once in awhile and make it a special creative day not just lazy!) Sneakers: not gym ones, flat converse kinds.
Instead of an oversized tshirt that you found or won, wear a fitted tee with some design or embellishment on it. Thats comfort with style.
Lastly, add studs. Jewelry can be annoying if your a mom. It can be overdone. Simply state you care with studs.

I wish this mom knew who she could be. When I think beauty I think confidence and respect. Take a little time and remind yourself that you are beautiful and you deserve to look and feel like it. You are still a woman afterall...


  1. Thank you for this insightful post. You are so right! It is somedays hard to get the balance right between caring for everyone, and still finding time to look good myself. I always feel so much better when I am put together.

  2. By the way, this blog is SOOO good. You should link to it through your facebook profile.

  3. Nice post Linda .... it is hard to look put together at the bus stop. But it makes you feel so much better when you do!!"
