Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Own Revamp

I'm very excited to tell you I did my own closet clean out and am starting over! Finally!
This week I cleaned out my closet of the things I felt overwhelmed with. Too many choices and too many cheap clothes. I bought them because they were cheap and current but they ended up being actually cheap and went out of style as fast as they unraveled. They were way too complicated for me. I knew it wasn't fully my style and tried very hard to make it so. Some of it was, but trying to keep up with current trends left me feeling guilty for spending the family's money so recklessly.

I got the guts to just clean it out like I have so many other women do. Man does it feel good! I was so happy to get them out of there! Clothes hold way too much emotion. My friends are very excited that I am cleaning out the closet so they can benefit from it. I realize that they are still fine clothes but all the frustration attached to them is too much for me to handle.

I started over. Something I've wanted to do for a long time and just didn't know how. I feel like I have found my style. I put these new clothes on and instead of thinking, "well its in and its cheap", I thought, "Wow, I didn't know I could feel so beautiful." Its simple. And I don't have much to choose from which let's be honest is helpful. This is a time where less is more. I actually feel good about myself. I feel like I'm somebody.

It was an amazing weight to let go of. I actually feel lighter. I'm standing taller and taking more pride in caring for my body. Its incredible how clothes can change your whole thought process.


  1. I would love to see a new picture of the style that is so you! post one with the next blog please :)

  2. So how much do you have now? Like how many of each item do you suggest (jeans, shirts, pants, etc)?
