Thursday, May 6, 2010

Are you selling it?

Are you confident with what you wear? Even if you think its good, do you still ask yourself what someone will think? Thank goodness for my friend who gave me a piece of advice! I'd love to share it with you. Its simple....just sell it. Oh right I thought- its not that easy! But it is. I can usually tell if something works or not. But then I was still wondering what the smart fashion people at work would say.

This friend taught me something I already knew but needed to hear again to make it stick. He said, "its all opinion!" That's what fashion is. If you want people to like it- you've got to sell it. He wore something one time and a woman said, "well thats interesting..." She was totally making fun of him and his response was, "thanks!!" Not because he wanted to stand out but because if he doesn't sell it, no one would buy it. He loved what he wore and he really put thought into it. That woman then said to his response, "Yeah, I mean I heard you could put those things together but never knew how it would work...I guess you've figured it out. That's cool to see." Well something along those lines anyway. He totally sold her! Well done my friend!

So, yesterday was laundry day and I didn't have my comfort work clothes so I took a big step. I put something together that I hadn't before. It was safe but not normally what I'd wear to work. I had to do my hair accordingly. A style I don't usually do because it required it to be down...ugh! But it worked. I thought, "I love it and that's what counts." I was completely confident with my choices. When I got to work my friend said, "you're totally selling it!" hahaha!

Now, another big part of that lesson is it has to be "you". You can't try to have someone else's style. You won't be able to sell it no matter how hard you try. I can't wear certain things because I can feel its wrong. Here is an example...
One guy at work wears the same dress shirt, tie, and sweater with chinos. Looks great and its totally him. He is taken seriously when he talks to his clients. Another guy at work wears layers and layers. Scarfs and bowties and polos over button downs...totally him. He can be taken seriously and people listen and buy from him. If you take the two guys and have them trade clothes for a day... people would buy as much. (talking literally buying here) I don't think they'd trust these guys as much.

So the two things I offer today is: 1. Be yourself with style and 2. SELL IT! :)

Thanks to my friend for this uplifting confidence boost!! No need for second guesses anymore.

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