Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Anyone Can Dress

I was watching a movie awhile ago and the main line from it was "anyone can cook". That night my friend asked me for fashion advice...literally while I was watching the movie. I helped her with ideas and she picked something along the lines of what I meant. It was not something I would've ever picked out but it looked great on her and she felt really good about it. Then it hit me, "anyone can dress".

Another friend of mine is getting more noticed (in a good way) :) because of her confidence with style now. I gave her a few pointers and have shopped with her several times. She totally gets it now and looks amazing! And she can dress on her own now. (they have to grow up sometime...)

As for me. I've always loved clothes. I've always thought hard about what I wore (even if it didn't look right, I was conscious of my decision). Looking back I had no idea what I was doing. I see pictures of me and can't believe how awful some of my style choices were. In second or third grade I wore the same sweatshirt with a teddybear with 3 balloons on it. I never washed my clothes. I had a pile of dirty laundry behind my bed for years. I hated laundry. I hated style. Who cares anyway?( Although I did think that teddybear sweatshirt was AMAZING and didn't realize people knew I wore it everyday.) Then as I grew up I had silly styles. In sixth grade I tried to be a hippie. That was interesting. I started to really think about fashion in high school and then went into retail where I learned more. But it took me 8 years of retail and 4 clothing stores to actually have it click. I know my style now and I love it. It wasn't until I fully knew my style that now I can dress with confidence. Its great. So, if I can dress with style and confidence...ANYONE CAN DRESS!


  1. ratatouille is a great flick! and i have totally asked you for fashion tips (by the way i looked fantastic at that wedding, Thanks for the ideas!
    - p.s. it says pat but it is really oshea, lol

  2. shea you need to send me a pic remember!?
