Sunday, June 27, 2010

how much is too much...even for perfection?

How much would you pay for the perfect summer dress? The perfect summer dress is hard to find. You want that one dress every summer that is your go-to dress but isn't over used. Its special. It fits you right in every way. It makes you feel beautiful and special and confident. The colors are perfect. The length, style, fabric...all perfect. Its like finding a needle in a haystack, right? So, what if you found it!? How much are you willing to spend on it? Now keep in mind it can be dressed up and down. It can be worn for all occasions. You can switch it up so it doesn't necessarily look like the same dress every time. (which is important since summer is so short, especially in New England).

What if the dress was way more than you thought you should spend? What if it was a lot? I am curious to see who would spend the money on this perfect dress and who would just leave it at the store. What are your spending limitations?

My friend found such a dress. It has a hefty price tag. Should she buy it?

I would love to hear all your thoughts!!


  1. Honestly, I wouldn't pay very much. I'm totally not into dresses. Maybe $20? Call me cheap. I would rather buy a couple of casual skirts to wear throughout spring/summer/early fall. :-) I feel like a dress can only be worn like once every 2-3 months. Probably that's just my upbringing. Really, the only time I bought a dress was for Easter and then I may wear it one more time through the summer.

  2. I would pay $100, if I knew I would wear it many times. A dress like that is hard to find!

  3. I would pay 50.00 max but I am trying to build a house and get out of debt. I think it depends on where they are financially!

  4. Thanks for your input guys! Update: she did not buy the dress. Sometimes it is just a dress.
