Sunday, November 7, 2010


So, I admit I'm no "super-mom"....

But when it comes to taking care of myself and my family, I do try...both. I just wanted to write a quick Mom post about that. Last night I went to a gala. I wore a very pricey (well, free for me thanks to a friend) skirt. Not to mention stockings that would tear if someone looked at them the wrong way. Hair and makeup- check! Everything was set in place and we were almost on our way out. Then the two year old had a poo.

So, while I look ready for the night out and looking all hip- I wiped that boy's bottom! Don't be deceived by the look in the picture. I am still mom and will do my duties till I'm in that car and driving away.

Don't put off looking and feeling great just because your kids are young and have a dirty bottom. You're still, fab, you!

You may not be super-mom either....but you can be both mom and fab chic! And your kids will admire that.